Maps & Graphics
Climate-related changes in contaminant sources, pathways, and environmental fate are further acted upon by effects of abundance, habitat range, seasonality, prey accessibility, and physiology of individual wildlife species in Arctic ecological communities. The highly connected nature of Arctic food webs and various potential influences of climate change makes it difficult to estimate the overall impacts on contaminant exposure on Arctic species.
Publication: POPs and Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern: Influence of Climate Change. Summary for Policy-makers
Type: Schematic
Caption: Climate-related changes in contaminant sources, pathways, and environmental fate are further acted upon by effects of abundance, habitat range, seasonality, prey accessibility, and physiology of individual wildlife species in Arctic ecological communities. The highly connected nature of Arctic food webs and various potential influences of climate change makes it difficult to estimate the overall impacts on contaminant exposure on Arctic species.
Copyright: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)
Cartographer / Designer: