Maps & Graphics
Lead in sediments near the cryolite mine at Ivittuut, south Greenland Stations 1, 3 and 9 are located at distances of 800 m, 1600 m and 5600 m, respectively, from the mine
Lead in sediments near the cryolite mine at Ivittuut, south Greenland Stations 1, 3 and 9 are located at distances of 800 m, 1600 m and 5600 m, respectively, from the mine
Published: 2007-11-20
Sources: after: Johansen, P., G. Asmund and F. Riget, 1995. Miljøundersøgelser ved Ivittuut 1982-1992. Grønlands Miljøundersøgelser, marts 1995, Rapport serie nr. 7, 60p. (AAR Figure 7.34)
Region: GL
Cartographer / Designer: Graphical production: Philippe Rekacewicz and Emmanuelle Bournay (GRID-Arendal)