Maps & Graphics

The different domains of the Bering Sea continental shelf are separated by fronts The coastal domain (depth <50m) tends to be vertically homogeneous, the middle domain (50-100m) shows a clear two-layered structure, while the outer domain (100-170m)
The different domains of the Bering Sea continental shelf are separated by fronts The coastal domain (depth <50m) tends to be vertically homogeneous, the middle domain (50-100m) shows a clear two-layered structure, while the outer domain (100-170m)
Published: 2007-11-20
Sources: Title (cont.) is dominated by lateral interaction between the shelf water and the Bering Sea Water. Coachman, L.K. and J.J. Walsh, 1981. A diffusion model of cross-shelf exchange of nutrients in the southeastern Bering Sea. Deep-Sea Res. 28A(8): 819-8
Region: beringsea
Edited_by: [email protected]
Cartographer / Designer: Graphical production: Philippe Rekacewicz and Emmanuelle Bournay (GRID-Arendal)