Figure 5.7 Aerial imagery of tundra and ocean, showing the impacts of coastal erosion near Drew Point, Alaska. Between 1955 and 2009, approximately 2800 ha of land were washed into the sea along a 64-km stretch of Beaufort Sea coastline that included the parts shown here. For the periods 1955–1979, 1979–2002, and 2002–2009, the annual rates of coastline erosion were 6, 8, and 17 m/y, respectively. For year-to-year reference, note the large lake near the center of the photo. The colored lines in the 2009 image outline the locations of the shoreline in the years indicated (Benjamin M. Jones, US Geological Survey).
Meta Data
Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic: Perspectives from the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Region
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Figure 5.7 Aerial imagery of tundra and ocean, showing the impacts of coastal erosion near Drew Point, Alaska. Between 1955 and 2009, approximately 2800 ha of land were washed into the sea along a 64-km stretch of Beaufort Sea coastline that included the parts shown here. For the periods 1955–1979, 1979–2002, and 2002–2009, the annual rates of coastline erosion were 6, 8, and 17 m/y, respectively. For year-to-year reference, note the large lake near the center of the photo. The colored lines in the 2009 image outline the locations of the shoreline in the years indicated (Benjamin M. Jones, US Geological Survey).
Drew Point, Alaska
Additional info:
changes between 1955-2009
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), 2017
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