Figure 4.3 Projected change in seasonal temperature across the Barents and Scandinavian region using the regional climate model COSMO-CLM driven by the global MPI-ESM-LR Earth System Model under three emission scenarios. RCP2.6 (left), RCP4.5 (middle) and RCP8.5 (right) for the period 2071–2100 relative to 1971–2000. The dark and light blue lines indicate the northern extent of an ice-free sea for at least 20% of the time in the future and historical period, respectively. The biggest temperature changes occur between the two lines, i.e. where the sea ice is retreating regularly. Numbers at the lower right of each plot give the mean climate change signal over the domain shown (Dobler et al., 2016).
Meta Data
Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic: Perspectives from the Barents Area.
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Figure 4.3 Projected change in seasonal temperature across the Barents and Scandinavian region using the regional climate model COSMO-CLM driven by the global MPI-ESM-LR Earth System Model under three emission scenarios. RCP2.6 (left), RCP4.5 (middle) and RCP8.5 (right) for the period 2071–2100 relative to 1971–2000. The dark and light blue lines indicate the northern extent of an ice-free sea for at least 20% of the time in the future and historical period, respectively. The biggest temperature changes occur between the two lines, i.e. where the sea ice is retreating regularly. Numbers at the lower right of each plot give the mean climate change signal over the domain shown (Dobler et al., 2016).
Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia
Additional info:
Projected change in seasonal temperature under three emission scenarios using climate models
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), 2017
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