Figure 10.2 Proximity of different threshold exceedances that may alter the state of the Arctic system (Lenton, 2012). Colors represent the likelihood of a regime shift as a function of the increase in global temperature above the 1980–1999 mean. The transition from white to yellow indicates that the likelihood becomes non-zero, while the transition from yellow to red indicates that a regime shift is as likely as not. Dark red indicates that a regime shift is more likely than not.
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Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA) 2017
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Figure 10.2 Proximity of different threshold exceedances that may alter the state of the Arctic system (Lenton, 2012). Colors represent the likelihood of a regime shift as a function of the increase in global temperature above the 1980–1999 mean. The transition from white to yellow indicates that the likelihood becomes non-zero, while the transition from yellow to red indicates that a regime shift is as likely as not. Dark red indicates that a regime shift is more likely than not.
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)
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