Figure 10.9 False color-infrared satellite image near the Chandler River in Alaska showing tall shrubs (dark red) distributed along streams and sedimentary rock outcrops (left) and a supervised classification of the image, showing expanding alder patches (green) in the centers of the water tracks, stable alder patches on hill slopes (red), and short- or non-shrub tundra elsewhere (white) (right). Each image is 5.5-km wide, with a center point at 68.917°N, 151.765°E; north is up (Tape et al., 2012).
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Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA) 2017
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Figure 10.9 False color-infrared satellite image near the Chandler River in Alaska showing tall shrubs (dark red) distributed along streams and sedimentary rock outcrops (left) and a supervised classification of the image, showing expanding alder patches (green) in the centers of the water tracks, stable alder patches on hill slopes (red), and short- or non-shrub tundra elsewhere (white) (right). Each image is 5.5-km wide, with a center point at 68.917°N, 151.765°E; north is up (Tape et al., 2012).
Chandler River, Alaska
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)
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