Figure 4.17 Modeled permafrost dynamics over geological time scales (Anisimov et al., 2012a). Blue curves show modeled changes in sediment temperature (vertical axis on right) over time at near-bottom level (T0), 200 and 1000 m below the sea floor (T200 and T1000, respectively). Red curves show depth (vertical axis on left) to upper (Zpf1) and lower (Zpf2) permafrost boundaries, and the upper (ZH1) and lower (ZH2) boundaries of the methane hydrate stability zone. Time (years) is shown on the horizontal axis in a logarithmic scale with respect to the current period (0).
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Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA) 2017
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Figure 4.17 Modeled permafrost dynamics over geological time scales (Anisimov et al., 2012a). Blue curves show modeled changes in sediment temperature (vertical axis on right) over time at near-bottom level (T0), 200 and 1000 m below the sea floor (T200 and T1000, respectively). Red curves show depth (vertical axis on left) to upper (Zpf1) and lower (Zpf2) permafrost boundaries, and the upper (ZH1) and lower (ZH2) boundaries of the methane hydrate stability zone. Time (years) is shown on the horizontal axis in a logarithmic scale with respect to the current period (0).
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)
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