Figure 4.24 Mean changes in bearing capacity of the frozen ground in the Russian permafrost region. Changes are expressed in percentages relative to the 1965-1975 reference period for the periods 1995–2005, 2015–2025 and 2045–2055. Climate forcing is based on an average of results from the six CMIP5 GCM models that most closely reproduce the historical air temperature record for the Russian Arctic (Anisimov and Kokorev, 2013).
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Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA) 2017
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Figure 4.24 Mean changes in bearing capacity of the frozen ground in the Russian permafrost region. Changes are expressed in percentages relative to the 1965-1975 reference period for the periods 1995–2005, 2015–2025 and 2045–2055. Climate forcing is based on an average of results from the six CMIP5 GCM models that most closely reproduce the historical air temperature record for the Russian Arctic (Anisimov and Kokorev, 2013).
Russia, Siberia
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)
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