Figure 7.5 Schematic representations of Arctic Ocean circulation: Surface circulation of the Arctic Ocean as shown by dynamic topography (20/400 db); mid-water halocline sources, flows and associated fronts (blue shows Pacific-origin waters, maroon shows Atlantic-origin waters, thick maroon line depicts the front between them) (after McLaughlin et al., 1996); the Arctic Circumpolar Boundary Current system derived from Atlantic water inflows (after Rudels et al., 1999; Aksenov et al., 2011); and deep-water exchange (Aagaard et al., 1985). BG is the Beaufort Gyre, BSB is the Barents Sea Branch, FSB is the Fram Strait Branch, GG is the Greenland Gyre, NAC is the Norwegian-Atlantic Current, TPD is the Transpolar Drift. (Bluhm et al., 2015).
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Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA) 2017
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Figure 7.5 Schematic representations of Arctic Ocean circulation: Surface circulation of the Arctic Ocean as shown by dynamic topography (20/400 db); mid-water halocline sources, flows and associated fronts (blue shows Pacific-origin waters, maroon shows Atlantic-origin waters, thick maroon line depicts the front between them) (after McLaughlin et al., 1996); the Arctic Circumpolar Boundary Current system derived from Atlantic water inflows (after Rudels et al., 1999; Aksenov et al., 2011); and deep-water exchange (Aagaard et al., 1985). BG is the Beaufort Gyre, BSB is the Barents Sea Branch, FSB is the Fram Strait Branch, GG is the Greenland Gyre, NAC is the Norwegian-Atlantic Current, TPD is the Transpolar Drift. (Bluhm et al., 2015).
circumArctic, circum-arctic, Arctic
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)
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